Great Wall Airlines said it has resumedall-cargo air service betweenShanghai and Amsterdam six-timesa week, followed by a resumption ofservices to Mumbai and Chennai inIndia.
Operations were suspended inAugust when the US Treasury Department’sOffice of Foreign AssetsControl (OFAC) imposed sanctions onthe parent company, China Great WallIndustry Corporation, for unacceptabletrading practices, which were unrelatedto those of the airline.
Great Wall Airlines is now a Sino-Singapore joint venture cargo airlinebased in Shanghai, owned 51 percentby the Beijing Aerospace SatelliteApplications Corporation, 25 percentby Singapore Airlines Cargo, and24 percent by Dahlia Investments, awholly-owned subsidiary of TemasekHoldings.
Great Wall said it plans to expand itsnetwork in 2007 to connect the mainmanufacturing hubs in China to themajor consumer markets worldwide.President Tan Kai Ping said: "We received tremendous support in gearing up to resume our services, and we wish to register our gratitude."
– John Spiers