China seeks Q-Post’s assistance
The Chinese postal authorities havesought the co-operation of the Q-Postin developing a customer-friendly planwith which they felt could win visitorsduring the Olympic Games 2008 to beheld in Beijing, and the Asian Games(in 2010), Gulf Times reported.
Speaking to the newspaper, chairmanand chief executive of the QPostAli Mohamed al-Ali said that theassociation with the Chinese sportsauthorities would help the postalcorporation receive more customersin future.
Targeting internet-savvy Chinesevisitors, Q-Post had made a Chinesesection on its web site, employing sixpersonnel from the Chinese foreignoffice for six weeks. The opening of aChinese section helped the site receivea number of visitors before and duringthe Games, he said.
The Q-Post chairman expressed thehope that there could be more interactionand visits between the officialsof Chinese and Q-Post in future. "Bothof us stand to gain considerably fromour association," he said.
China, said Ali, has a large numberof philately enthusiasts and all philatelicexhibitions held there have generatedconsiderable interest amongits people.