Helsinki-based Airline Services GSAOY, the Finnish member of the EGSACGSSA network – has been formallyappointed as Finnish GSSA for newlyformedAeroflot Cargo, after 6 yearsas a sub-sales agent for parent airlineAeroflot Russian Airlines.
In addition to Aeroflot’s scheduleddaily A319 belly-hold capacity fromHelsinki, which it previously marketed,Airline Services now has access to AeroflotCargo’s twice-weekly DC10 freighters,which fly via Moscow Sheremetyevoto Beijing and provide easy access tomajor Far East points.
Airline Services GSA will also continue to feed Aeroflot Cargo’s fivetimes a week freighter services fromFrankfurt Hahn, Germany, as theseopen up many points on the Aeroflotnetwork throughout Eastern Europeand the former Soviet Union.
Says Airline Services GSA managingdirector Jari Aaltonen: "The largest potential and most attractive market from Finland for Aeroflot Cargo remains Moscow. Finland has become an important transit point for cargo from other countries, and much of the cargo Aeroflot has been carrying currently originates outside Finland."
Aeroflot Cargo provides the onlymain-deck capacity direct from Finlandto Moscow and China, and thisis expected to win it additional trafficwhere speed is a critical factor on largershipments and pieces. The company isparticularly targeting traffic, which iscurrently trucked to Moscow.
Airline Services GSA OY representsAeroflot Cargo, Afriqiyah, Air Canada,Air Mauritania, Air Senegal, AirRep,British Airways World Cargo, CameroonAirlines, Cielos Airlines, Corsair,CSA Czech Airlines, MNG CargoAirlines, Singapore Airlines Cargo, SNBrussels Airlines, Ukraine InternationalAirlines and Uzbekistan Airlines. It isthe exclusive Finnish member of theEGSAC GSSA network, which has 60bases in 30 countries.