A report in the Yomiuri Shimbun saidthat Kansai airport aims to double thecapacity of its air cargo terminal whenthe second phase of its constructionopens on 2nd August 2007.
The second phase includes a secondrunway and a taxiway connectingthe airport’s terminal to the secondrunway.
Construction plans for a secondtaxiway and new terminal buildingsare postponed until the number ofdepartures and arrivals at the airportreaches 130,000 a year.
Further plans include the constructionof a second taxiway and new terminalbuildings. The cargo terminalwill also be expanded to double itscurrent capacity up to 340,000 sqm toaccommodate expected increases inair cargo.
The airport operator expects theairport to handle more than 2 milliontonnes of cargo annually 10 years fromnow. This reflects about 2.5 times morethan the current volume.
High priority has been placed on theislands and will include a harbour thatprovides a high-speed ferry with serviceto Kobe Airport and other areas.