Menlo Worldwide said ithas been selected by Embraer,the world’s leadingmanufacturer of commercialjets up to 110 seats, tooperate a regional logisticshub providing dedicatedservice parts warehousingand distribution supportingthe launch of Embraer’sfamily of regional and executivejet aircraft in theAsia-Pacific market, includingmainland China.
Under the contract, Menlohas established a dedicated,24/7 operation at itsexisting Singapore regionallogistics hub providingrapid response fulfillmentto Embraer’s Asia-basedcustomers, and will maintaina complete inventoryof repairable, expendableand structural parts forEmbraer’s ER 145 and the170/190 line of commercialjet aircraft. The integrated,turnkey programme incorporateswarehousing, logistics,transportation managementand technologyservices, including:
•Import customs clearance,local transportationof inbound shipments toMenlo’s Singapore logisticscentre, parts receiving, qualityinspection and put-away
•Ambient and temperaturecontrolled bulk, rack,shelf and security-controlledwarehouse space forEmbraer
•Management of morethan 20,000 SKU’s of aircraft service parts, componentsand supplies, includingrepair and returns management
•Order fulfillment toinclude picking, packingand three levels of dispatchservice:
The services also includeregular, critical and AOG(Aircraft on ground) shipments,as well as managementof transportation forall outbound service partsshipments, incorporatingemergency expedite, regularairfreight, surface andocean. Menlo will also beinvolved in the selection andmanagement of Embraerapprovedfreight forwardersand will provide technologysystems for supplychain visibility, warehousingand transportation management,business metricsreporting and performanceanalysis.
Menlo’s dedicated operationsfor Embraer arehoused in a modern, multiclientlogistics centre inSingapore’s Airport LogisticsPark Free TradeZone. The facility and thebusiness processes supportingthe client incorporate "Lean" warehousing anddistribution concepts andprocesses.