The Air Freight Asia 2007 exhibition,which will be co-located with theAsian Aerospace 2007 Expo & Congressat the AsiaWorld-Expo facilities at HongKong International Airport, is headingfor a sell-out with leading global airfreight players confirming space at the13th edition of the event.
Air Freight Asia 2007 organiser, Nolvan Fenema said applications for spacewere coming in at unprecedentednumbers even though the Early Birddiscounts were no longer applicable.
"What we are seeing here is reallya rush for the last available booths.Since we started the marketing ofthis event at the end of December, wealready have expanded three times tomeet demand from exhibitors fromall over the world", said van Fenema.He added that interest from MiddleEast carriers and airport operators wasparticularly noticeable, reflecting thestrong economic growth of the regionand the unparalleled boom in airlineand airport activities.
"If delegates attending the AirFreight Asia 2007 Conference andtrade visitors, want to meet the seniorexecutives of the leading air cargo playersin the world, then the AFA 2007exhibition is the place to visit," saidvan Fenema. "Likewise, manufacturersof aircraft, engines, avionics and otherproducts that are vital for the commercialairline industry, will be interestedto meet the senior cargo executives.It’s the synergies that we will be ableto offer to the trade, which makes thisevent so attractive," he added.