Pitney Bowes Inc., the largest makerof mail-handling machines, has namedMurray Martin as chief executive officer,succeeding Michael Critelli, whowill assume the newly created positionof executive chairman, Reutersreported. Martin, Pitney Bowes’ presidentand chief operating officer, willbecome president and CEO effectiveMay 14. He will assume full strategicand operational responsibility for thecompany.
Critelli, who has been chairman andCEO since January 1997, will focus onopportunities in postal reform andtransformation in the US and globally,and in areas such as health care andgovernment services.
In another development, SpringGlobal Mail said it had reached anagreement with Pitney Bowes to assumeresponsibility for all future business forall Spring Global Mail’s customers andlimited capital assets in the US.
Spring Global Mail will no longeroperate its present business in the US.Also part of this transaction is a GlobalDistribution Agreement that grants PitneyBowes access to the Spring GlobalMail network outside the USA.