The Hong Kong Shippers’Council has come outin support of a proposalto build a third air cargoterminal at the Hong KongInternational Airport as itwill introduce increasedcompetition for more efficientcargo handling andbetter costing.
In his message in theShippers’ Today, HKSCchairman Willy Lin saidthe new terminal operator,which will be determinedthrough bidding, shouldguarantee that they will passon lower costs to shippers sothere will be less defectionto neighbouring airports.
"Cost is the major factoraffecting shippers’ choicefor transporting their cargo.The aim of developmentshould primarily be to improvethe airport’s competitivenessand lower shippingcosts," he said.
Lin said Hong Kongwill lose its competitiveadvantage its developmentremained stagnant whileneighbouring airports inthe Pearl River Delta regionhave been undergoing rapiddevelopment.