Apollo Management, the Dutchbasedprivate-equity company thatacquired TNT Logistics last December,has officially opened its local operationin Bangkok and will provide contractlogistics services under the new nameof Ceva Logistics (Thailand).
The company plans to invest Bt100million (US$3.04 million) to Bt150 millionin Thailand this year in new businessinfrastructure, including vehicles,warehousing, trucking, an information technologysystem and equipment likefork-lift trucks and rackings.
Another Bt20 million will be spenton a six-month re-branding process totransfer the TNT Logistics brand intothe new Ceva identity.
Winfried Kiesbueye, who has beenwith TNT Logistics in Thailand foralmost six years, has joined the newCeva Logistics (Thailand) as countrygeneral manager.