TNT launched last monthits "Picking the Best for China" programme in Indonesiato promote its capabilities,competitiveness and efficiencyof import and exportservices to and from China.
"Through this programme,TNT serves as import-exportfacilitator, particularly forcompanies that are lookingfor an air express partnerthat truly understands theirbusiness needs," TNT Indonesiacountry manager PeterLangley said.
He added "the fact is thatas more foreign companieschannel additional investmentinto China, businessesare capitalising on the growthof China’s economy, at a time when the global economy is in the doldrums."
TNT sees this as an opportunityfor Indonesian business,and with its expertise,the flow of import and exportpackages will be smooth.
TNT recently acquiredChina’s leading freightand parcels transportationoperator, Hoau LogisticsGroup, which is based inHeilongjiang.
With over 1,100 depotsand 56 hubs, the acquisitionof Hoau offers TNT comprehensiveroad coverage in Chinaand is in line with TNT’sstrategic focus on integrateddomestic and internationalnetworks.
– Siktus Harson