DHL has announced the appointment of Charles Graham as the new global CEO for aviation, DHL Express and as a member of the company’s global express management board. He succeeds Terry Nord, who will retire from DHL after eight successful years of managing growth for DHL’s global aviation services.
Based in Bonn, Germany, Graham will be responsible for all aspects of DHL’s aviation activities, in particular leading the strategic development of DHL’s global aviation network to both drive and support the company’s growth plans. Graham most recently was CEO of AWAS (formerly known as Ansett Worldwide), a position heassumed in 1997 until 2006.
In another appointment, DHL Express named Christina Koh as senior vice president – corporate communications and sustainability, effective May 1, 2007. She moves into this newly-created position from a similar position at DHL Express Asia Pacific.
Koh will be based at the DHL Express global headquarters in Bonn and will work closely with the DHL global, regional and country teams. She joined DHL Asia Pacifi c in 2002, where she established the fi rst regional corporate communications division for the company in Asia Pacifi c.