The extra fl oor space brings the overall exhibition area for Air Freight Asia to well over 1,400 sqm, including the 180 sqm booked by Dubai LogisticsCity.
Among the companies that have now confi rmed their presence at this trade show are American Airlines Cargo, Polet Cargo Airlines, OAG, Siemens, the Air Logistics Group and the Dubai Hosting Committee for the FIATA World Congress, which will take placeon October 18-20, 2007.
Air Freight Asia organiser Nol van Fenema, said: "There are still several other leading air cargo fi rms, who are fi nalising their participation in Air Freight Asia 2007 and we are confi – dent that in the next few weeks the additional space will be taken up." He added that the fl oor area could still be further expanded, but prime locations at Air Freight Asia had all beentaken up.
"The response this year will be a good benchmark for us when we will decide the size of the next Air Freight Asia event in Hong Kong in 2009," he said.