The five-year contract, which will start mid-January 2010 and includes the sale of the Cargolux ULD fleet to Unitpool, provision of service including 24/7 ULD management across the airline’s worldwide network, repairs and maintenance, and supply of ULD to secure replacement and growth.
“Cargolux is by many industry observers seen as the “gold standard†for cargo airlines with a long built reputation for quality and service, so we are extremely proud of this new agreementâ€Â, said Unitpool chairman Ludwig Bertsch.
“Cargolux observes that pooling of ULDs will deliver very tangible service and financial benefits,†a Cargolux spokesperson said.
“For us, the overriding benefits driving the decision behind the new cooperation are: Less hassle with rotation management; stations no longer concerned with minimum stocks while pooling effects making positioning of ULD simpler; access to new ULD management IT system with better real-time information; lowering of long term operating cost; and freeing up cash bound in an asset.â€Â