Yusen Logistics China has opened a new warehouse in Guangzhou City. The 16,021.5-square-metre warehouse will provide logistics services for the consumer goods industry.
The company currently has a number of automotive-related customers in the area, but is anticipating significant growth in demand from the consumer goods market for warehouse services in China. Guangzhou has experienced economic development by taking advantage of its prime location as a hub for regional logistics.
Yusen Logistics’ new warehouse is located 15 kilometres from the port and 40 kilometres from the airport. To improve operational efficiency and enhance service quality and products, the company recently consolidated two warehouses in the area into one facility. Integrated with this facility, the company operates 19,171.5 square-metres of warehouse space in the region. Services at the new warehouse include sorting, labelling, packing and inspection without dangerous goods. In addition to automotive companies, current customers include cosmetic, wine and apparel companies.