Jan de Rijk Logistics transported a very special shipment; namely a 66 million year old skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Jan de Rijk Logistics, working on behalf of KLM, was tasked to move the dinosaur from Schiphol airport to the city of Leiden.
“This kind of request we do not get every day. We are very proud to be part of this great event,” says Tim Roos, manager aerospace & special projects of Jan de Rijk Logistics.
Employees of the Naturalis Museum in Leiden were surprised when they discovered an almost intact Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in the US in 2013. Through crowd funding Naturalis succeeded to bring the dinosaur to the Netherlands. The skeleton, also affectionately called ‘Trix’, is one of the three most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons in the world and Trix is the only skeleton that will be displayed outside the US.
On 23 August KLM flew the skeleton from Chicago to the Netherlands and on 26 August the dinosaur was transported by Jan de Rijk Logistics from Schiphol to Leiden, guided by police escort.
“We are proud to be part of this literally historic event,” Roos said. “In our daily work we provide advanced logistics solutions for clients from around the world. We are honored that we specifically have been asked by KLM to carry out this very special transport. ”