Aeronautical Engineers, Inc announced the company has redelivered two B737-400SF freighter conversions to Vx Capital Partners (Vx). The first aircraft (MSN 28887) was modified by KF Aerospace and the second aircraft (MSN 25376) was modified by Flightstar Aircraft Services.
In January of 2014, Vx contracted with AEI to provide their first converted B737-400SF, and since then Vx has continuously augmented their fleet of B737-400SF freighter aircraft. These two aircraft represent the 18th and 19th B737-400SF freighters delivered to Vx, thus making Vx the largest leasing company customer for AEI.
Vx currently has two additional AEI B737-400SF freighter conversions undergoing modification, which will be redelivered in the beginning of the second quarter.
The newly converted B737-400SF shall provide Vx with a highly flexible Ancra CLS capable of carrying multiple ULD’s including:
- (10) 88”x125” ULDs in P1 to P10 or
- (8) 96”x125” in P1 to P10 and
- (1) 53”x88”x64” Pallet or AEP/AEH or 60.4”x61.5” AKE/LD3 or 61.5”x88”x56”H AYY in P11
This unique flexibility has been designed to allow cargo operators to immediately adapt to multiple ULD configurations at a moment’s notice. When combined with proven reliability, the AEI Converted B737-400SF will allow Vx to keep their aircraft – “In the air, generating revenue”.
About Aeronautical Engineers Inc
Aeronautical Engineers Inc is a global leader in the aircraft passenger-to-freighter conversion business and is the oldest conversion company in existence today. Since the company’s founding in 1958, AEI has developed over 128 Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) and has modified over 460 aircraft with the STCs. AEI helps its customers extend aircraft life and increase the overall value of aircraft assets by continuously focusing on dependable and flexible product offerings. AEI currently offers passenger-to-freighter conversions for the Boeing 737-400, 737-300, 737-200, MD-80 and CRJ200 aircraft. They plans to complete its 737-800 full freighter conversion in mid-2018