Freighter conversions specialist Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH (EFW) and Turkish Technic, a leading MRO company certified around the world as Part 145 and Part 21 J&G organisation, have announced a new collaboration on A330P2F conversions.
Turkish Technic will become the first MRO company to provide third-party conversion solutions for the A330P2F programme by EFW. The first A330P2F conversion for EFW is planned to be carried out at Turkish Technic’s facility in Istanbul in the third quarter of 2023.
Jordi Boto, CEO of EFW, said the company has grown its order book amidst strong market demand for Airbus freighter conversions. EFW’s A330P2F programme is developed in collaboration with ST Engineering and Airbus and comes with 61-tonne and 63-tonne payload variants.
“As the air cargo sector is experiencing extremely strong and steady growth, conversions have become an efficient solution to meet operator’s needs, thus creating an opportunity for aircraft manufacturers, MROs, airlines and leasing companies,” said Turkish Technic Chairman of the Board Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat.
To meet the rising demand for freighter conversions, ST Engineering and EFW have set up conversion sites in China and the US to ramp up capacity for their P2F programmes comprising the A330P2F, A320P2F and A321P2F.