Realising the financial burden upon member agents, the Thai Airfreight Forwarder Association – TAFA consulted with Airlines Cargo Business Cargo – ACBA (known as ACP then), and Thai Star Surety Co., Ltd. – TSSC as the TAFA insurance consultant, to find alternative solutions besides putting up bank guarantees. Finally the committee agreed to adopt financial assurance policy instead of the bank guarantee and urged the TSSC to do feasibility study and to find supporting insurance companies for the program.
The Default Insurance Program-DIP policy was concluded in August 2001, and only TAFA ordinary members, which number about 100 out of 136 of total members, of high standard and good financial strength were allowed to participate in this program. The DIP program took off on 1 October 2001 with 55 TAFA agents and 38 airlines participating.
The original policy would cover 45 days of aggregated sales amounting to not more than THB100 million (US$2.9 million) per agent, and total THB240 millions in aggregate. However the coverage was reduced to THB50 million and THB240 million in aggregate after the September 11 incidents. Since 2005 the limit has been re-adjusted to THB100 million.
The DIP program has been very successful since its inception and there are 77 qualified agents and 40 airlines participating in the DIP Program, ensuring over THB20 billion in sales volume. Since the TAFA ordinary members were selected and monitored closely, we are proud to say that there has not been one single claim from participating airlines under this program.
The Default Insurance Program – DIP has also proved to be an effective solution for both airlines and agents alike to ensure financial security for Air Cargo Industry in Thailand. Th e DIP is also unique in Southeast Asian region.
Sincere cooperation and ethical disciplines are the back bone of DIP Program’s success. TAFA, ACBA, TSSC and partner insurance companies have contributed many working hours to ensure the program was successful and to initiate a new chapter of the air cargo industry. “Unity and perseverance can move a mountain!” – contributed by TAFA.