DHL said it is adopting thelatest "new generation" scanningtechnology, deployinga single system across theentire DHL US networkto prov ide enhanc e dshipment visibility for DHLcustomers.
The new scanning devices,used to capture shipmentinformation by couriers andother operations personneland utilising a Wi-Fi (wirelesslocal area network connectivity)communications system,will be deployed nation-wideby third quarter 2007.
Unlike many systemsused throughout the transportationindustry, the DHLwireless scanners leverage the latest GPRS (GeneralPacket Radio Service) andWLAN (Wireless LocalArea Network) technologies.These will enable DHL totransmit customer shipmentinformation automatically- from pickup to finaldelivery – without the needto wait and place a devicewithin a transmission cradle.The information will beimmediately fed into DHLback-end systems, providinginstant visibility to customerslooking for shipment statusthrough calls to customerservice, the DHL web site, orDHL shipping systems.