BEUMER Group, a leading global supplier of automated baggage handling systems, will feature live and virtual-reality demonstrations of next-generation baggage handling technologies at Passenger Terminal Expo 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 14 to 16 March 2017.
Delegates will be able to experience optimized transfer baggage handling with a live demonstration of a Video Coding System and take a virtual-reality tour of the advanced CrisBag tote-based baggage handling system. The BEUMER Group stand will also feature the autover Independent Carrier System (ICS) with the latest intelligent autoca carrier for transporting CrisBag totes as well as bags ranging from standard to out-of-gauge sizes.
The Video Coding System (VCS) combines cameras installed on the sorter with controls from BEUMER Group’s Airport Software Suite to eliminate the need to divert bags with no-read tags to a Manual Encoding Station (MES). The VCS technology allows the bag to remain on the sorter whilst it sends an image of the tag to an operator for remote encoding at a workstation or via a tablet. The additional benefits of the VCS, including increased flexibility during peak coding periods, are outlined in a recent BEUMER Group White Paper.
In a second demonstration, delegates can take a virtual-reality tour of the CrisBag tote-based baggage handling system via an Oculus Rift head-set. This demonstration will show delegates why many airports consider CrisBag to be the future of high-speed, high-efficiency baggage handling.
The BEUMER Group stand will also feature the autover independent carrier system with the latest intelligent autoca carrier. This enables airports to improve flexibility and process efficiency by ensuring accurate, gentle and reliable baggage handling across a wide range of bag sizes. The autoca’s ability to carry totes also offers unique integration with CrisBag, which is one of the world’s most widely installed tote-based baggage handling and transport systems.
Klaus Schäfer, managing director, BEUMER Group A/S, “These systems enable airports to make significant improvements in their baggage handling processes resulting in improved efficiency in addition to contributing to enhanced passenger satisfaction by reducing in the number of mis-handled bags.”