Japan Post last month said that some10,000 automatic withdrawals frompostal savings accounts failed over fourbusiness days due to a computer systemglitch, Kyodo News reported. The troubleemerged as Japan Post made some modifications to its computer systemto prevent erroneous money transferson Jan. 4, it said. Japan Post reverted to the previousconfiguration and the system hasworked properly since, it said. JapanPost has apologised to users of the automaticmoney withdrawal service forthe … [Read more...] about Japan Post transfers fail on system glitch
TNT starts direct marketing venture in China
In contrast to Europe, where TNTis already seeing rapid growth as ittakes advantage of European Unionledliberalisation in mail markets, opportunitiesin Asia for its mail divisonremain limited. Though TNT's express parcels networkin the region is expanding rapidly,and though it has an ambition to getinto addressed mail in the region too,in practice monopolies by nationalpost offices limit its mail forays to theunaddressed business mail market anddirect marketing services. For example, the … [Read more...] about TNT starts direct marketing venture in China
Qantas' chairwoman MargaretJackson, who has just managedits take-over by a group of domesticand overseas investors, has revealedin the Financial Times that she was interrogatedby officials at Los Angelesairport last year, because they founddetailed aeronautical diagrams in herhand baggage. She explained that she was chairmanof a major world airline, which met withthe response 'But you're a woman!' Jackson also related to the FT that asa board member for a mining companyshe was once … [Read more...] about WOMAN
Birkart Globistics
Birkart Globistics air + ocean hasannounced the retirement of its CEO,Michael U. Villinger.Villinger has been succeeded byHelmut Kaspers, who joined the managementteam in October 2006. Heassumed his position as Group CEOon January 1, 2007. … [Read more...] about Birkart Globistics
Trans Global Logistics
Trans Global Logistics (TGL), aHong Kong-based logistics company,has named Tom Donovan senior vicepresident of business development.The logistics industry veteran joinsthe company from Ozburn-HesseyLogistics, where he was director ofintegrated solutions. In his new role, Donovan will manageall Trans Global sales associatesand work with product managers tobroaden and enhance ocean, air andlogistics services. Donovan has more than 28 years ofexperience in the logistics industry. Hebrings … [Read more...] about Trans Global Logistics
USPS gets Lockheed Martin system
Lockheed Martin has completedthe deployment of 74 AutomatedPackage Processing Systems (APPS) tothe U.S. Postal Service (USPS) undera more than US$300 million contractawarded in 2002. APPS provides thePostal Service with a fully integrated,end-to-end system capable of automaticallysorting high volumes of First-Classpackaged mail, Priority Mail envelopesand parcels, and bundled mail, such asmagazines or catalogues, with greaterefficiency and higher accuracy. The system is capable of … [Read more...] about USPS gets Lockheed Martin system