Hong Kong can attract more air cargobusiness if its transhipment processescan be reviewed quickly, Asia AirfreightTerminal (AAT) general manager, planning& services, Nelson Lee said. He said as Hong Kong did not havea transhipment ordinance, the customswere using a combination of the existingimport and export ordinances toregulate the territory's transfer of aircargo making it unattractive to shippersand cargo agents. "Shippers and cargo agents have topay a declaration charge for … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: HKG must review transhipments
Air & Cargo Services
HONG KONG: Asia Pacific cargo to lead growth
International Asia Pacific freightgrowth is expected to lead globalfreight growth in 2007 with an averageannual growth rate (AAGR) of6 percent over the same period, theInternational Air Transport Association(IATA) said. It said the forecast growth reflectsthe strength of trade flows, economicgrowth and liberalisation, particularlyin China and India. Over the four-yearperiod to 2010, Pakistan is forecast tohave the fastest AAGR at 8.2 percent,just beating China with 8.1 percent andIndia with … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Asia Pacific cargo to lead growth
HONG KONG: HKG throughput in danger: DHL
Hong Kong's air cargo throughputfrom Mainland China passing through the territory will drop as trade growthbetween China and North Asia shiftsmore of the flow further north, theSouth China Morning Post reported,citing a senior DHL Express official. "Further trade links between Japan,South Korea and China mean fewershipments in and out of Hong Kong," DHL Asia Pacific chief executive ScottPrice said. DHL channels 70 percent of itsChina consignments through its southernChina hub in … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: HKG throughput in danger: DHL
HONG KONG: Cathay adds more freighters to Europe
Cathay Pacific Airways said that it will add a total of 11 extra freighter flights each week to three major cities in Europe - Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Manchester - effective this month. With the extra services the airline's freighter services to Europe will rise from 25 to 36 - an increase of almost 50 percent, further strengthening Hong Kong's position as one of the world's leading airfreight hubs. A total of five flights a week are being added to Frankfurt, operating every Monday, … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Cathay adds more freighters to Europe
CHINA: Chinese heavyweights pick Copenhagen
Copenhagen airport has long beenseen as a useful hub by Singapore Airlinesand Korean Air Cargo. However,the addition of two Chinese heavyweightsin the last few months seemsto be catapulting the airport into thebig league. The airport saw Air China startthree weekly B747-200F services inSeptember, and this was followed bythree MD-11F services by China CargoAirlines in December. In all this bringsthe airport's wide-body freighter departuresto 68 a month, double thenumber it had two years … [Read more...] about CHINA: Chinese heavyweights pick Copenhagen
CHINA: CSA looks beyond AF-KL Cargo venture
China Southern Airlines is reportedlyin talks with other foreign carriersbesides Air France-KLM for an aircargo joint venture, Reuters reportedquoting the airline's chief financialofficer, Xu Jiebo. Xu said Air France was neither apreferred partner nor an exclusive foreigncounterpart for the establishmentof its cargo venture whose launch hasalready been delayed due to problemsin talks with Air France. "We hope to launch the joint ventureas soon as we can, but so far the talksare not … [Read more...] about CHINA: CSA looks beyond AF-KL Cargo venture