TNT Express has appointedOnno Boots as South EastAsia’s regional managingdirector. In this function hewill report directly to James McCormac, chief operatingofficer of TNT Express. Priorto his appointment, Bootsserved as director of globalaccount management (worldwide)in Amsterdam.
He has served TNT for18 years in the company’sdivisional headquarters inthe Netherlands. Boots willbe based at the TNT Asiaregional office in Singapore,with 2,771 employeesacross the region under hischarge.
"Apart from benefitingfrom the overall stronggrowth of the Asian economies,we seek to maximiseour growth by focussing particularlyon core industriessuch as the Life Science,High Tech, Electronics andIndustrial sectors.
"To enhance our serviceoffering, we’ve focused ongrowing our core network,including launching Asia’sfirst Road Network, and deliveringbespoke, specialisedsolutions," said Boots.