India’s vastly improved IT andtelecom infrastructure, along withnumerous new multinational businessoperations, has created a growingdemand for international logistics services,to which SEKO has been able torespond by adapting to the changingglobal trends.
SEKO-India is responsible for servingSoutheast Asia, Europe and the US.
Currently more than 60 percent ofbusiness process outsourcing (BPO)opportunities from the US and UK areconducted through India. This expandingmarket has led SEKO to add officesin Ludhiana, Jaipur and Coimbatore,and the company will soon add a sixth,larger facility in Chennai.
In addition to its independent stations,SEKO also enjoys a close workingrelationship with SEKO/New Globe, afreight forwarding agent with sixteenoffices throughout India, which is inthe process of converting many of itsoperations to SEKO-only offices.