Yangtze River Express last monthmade its inaugural B747 freighterflight from Boston to Shanghai, witnessedby Massachusetts GovernorDeval Patrick, Boston Mayor ThomasMenino, representatives from Massportand the airline, Pacific Businessreported.
The flight marked the first directair service of any kind between NewEngland and China, according to astatement from Massport. Officialsfrom the airport said that the flight willprovide new opportunities to promotethe export of Massachusetts products tothe booming Chinese markets.
Direct Boston-Shanghai air cargoservice is strongly supported by Massachusettsexporters, importers, andshippers, the group said.
Yangtze River Express, a subsidiaryof the Hainan Group and HainanAirlines, a large Chinese air cargo carrier,will offer direct cargo service fromBoston to Shanghai three times a week,Massport said.