Tel Aviv-based CAL Group has announced it has joined IATA’s Centre of Excellence for Independent Validators Pharmaceutical Logistics (CEIV Pharma) programme. Once completed, CAL will be the first group to have a certified pharmaceutical logistics programme throughout its logistics hub at Liege Airport.
The programme, carried out in cooperation with Liege Airport, begins in April and continues through June, with full certification expected in July 2015. “Completion of the programme will strengthen CAL’s position as a leader in the frontline of carriers providing services for the Pharma sector,” said Eyal Zagagi, CEO of CAL Group.
“We have almost 40 years’ experience handling temperature controlled freight and 35 per cent of our cargo business is temperature controlled. The CEIV certification will improve the quality and integrity of our customer’s product and the industry as a whole.”
“We are excited about CAL’s commitment. With the CEIV Pharma programme, IATA aims to work closely with industry and regulators to raise the bar and make air freight the mode of choice for the transportation of pharmaceutical products. This will help companies demonstrate the quality of their services and capture new business,” said Ronald Schaefer, Project Lead, IATA CEIV Pharma.
Established in 1976, the CAL Group operates in three main spheres: CAL Cargo Airlines – an all-cargo airline; LACHS – Ground handling services in Liege cargo airport and; Trucking services throughout Europe and the USA.