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Aerotropolis Institute China (AIC) and Strategic Aviation Solutions International have signed an agreement for training and development in Zhengzhou (CGO), a press release confirmed.
Stan Wraight, CEO of SASI World, and John D. Kasarda PhD, President of the AIC, announced AIC’s licensing to represent SASI’s Training and Learning division in China.
This extensive agreement, which leverages the strength of the AIC teams in Zhengzhou and Shanghai and the SASI training and learning team’s expertise, will deliver existing SASI courses and workshops and develop customised learning courses for China in Mandarin and English depending on the circumstances.
The agreement calls for establishing educational standards and requirements within the AIC, developing specialised training and workshops in China, offering high-level focused seminars, workshops and training, as well as “Train the Trainer” solutions for AIC, according to SASI World.
AIC’s president, John Kasarda PhD, expressed delight to cooperate with SASI in facilitating training programs, seminars and workshops throughout China in the air cargo, logistics, and airport economic areas.
“As a thought leader and accomplished consulting organization in airport, air logistics, and aerotropolis development, AIC will combine its China and worldwide experiences with SASI’s impressive Air Cargo Professional Advancement programs to provide participants with cutting-edge knowledge and results-directed strategies,” he added.
“With one of the most respected teams in air logistics training and learning, led by Lilian Tan and Charles Edwards, SASI has delivered global training solutions and workshops for airlines, airports, GHA, GSSA, Forwarders and almost every discipline involved in air logistics on a global basis over the past 10 years. Government authorities, financial institutions such as the World Bank, TSA, Customs have trusted in SASI and taken part. This broad experience and history will greatly assist SASI and the AIC in the coming years to develop specific for China all capabilities and solutions,” Stan Wraight, CEO of SASI, commented.