Massimo Panagia, chief executive officer and managing director of Cargoitalia, the scheduled all-cargo airline based in Milan Italy, has announced the appointment of Stanley G. Wraight as chairman of the board effective 1 September 2007. Panagia said that the addition of Wraight to the management team will help bring Cargoitalia to the next stage in its development in the coming years. “Stan and I have known each other for many years, and he is fully aware of the Cargoitalia business model we want to create because of our close contacts. We will combine our strengths and double the effortsgoing forward.”
“I am very impressed with how far Massimo has brought Cargoitalia, the team he has built and the infrastructure that is in place. It is truly a customer focused company,” said Wraight.
“I look forward to working with Massimo to improve and expand the network and take Cargoitalia to the next stage in its development.” Wraight is replacing Ronni Benatoff who acted as chairman of the board during the launching phase of the company.