FedEx Express (FedEx) has announced the launch of a dedicated direct fl ight between Manchester, UK and the US.
FedEx will fl y a wide-body MD-11 freighter daily, Monday through Thursday, between Manchester International Airport and its Memphis, Tennessee hub. The fl ight, originating at the FedEx European Hub in Paris, will increase FedEx daily capacity on the important westbound trans-pacifi c route by up to 50 per cent and from Europe to the US by up to 20 percent. Manchester is the fastest- growing region in the U.K., which has led to increased market demand for reliable, time-defi nite express transportation services, said Robert W. Elliott, president, FedEx Express, Europe, Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Africa.
The new fl ight will be the third to serve the trans-Atlantic route from the UK FedEx currently fl ies two express freighters from Stansted in the Southeast of England to the cities of Newark and Memphis in the US.