Cargo B Airlines – the new Belgian cargo carrier – has received its fi rst aircraft with operations scheduled to begin in October. The airline’s fi rst B747 full freighter was recently delivered to Cargo B’s operations base atBrussels International Airport.
Cargo B also announced it has signed a 5 year contract with CHAMP Cargosystems for the provision and hosting of their critical business applications.“Cargo B Airlines has found inCHAMP a reliable partner with uniqueexperience in the integration andhosting of all the business criticalsolutions required to effi ciently runa cargo airline” says Arno Broes EVPDeutsche Post CEO Klaus Zumwinkel: “Thenew joint company will notably acceleratethe exchange of goods between Asia andEurope.”
Cargo B Airlines takes delivery of its fi rst aircraft. Operations of Cargo B Airlines. Cargo B Airlines is the 1st Brussels based full cargo airline with a network operating mainly in Middle- and Far East, Africa and South America. CHAMP is a major global supplier of information technology dedicated to the Air Cargo Industry with close to 60 customers.