Airbus has been given the go-aheadfor the industrial launch of the A330-200 Freighter and confirmed that GuggenheimAviation Partners, FlyingtonFreighters and Intrepid Leasing havesigned orders for a total of 32 AirbusA330-200 Freighters.
US-based Guggenheim AviationPartners acting on behalf of one ofits investment funds, is the launchcustomer for the A330-200F.
The company has signed a contractfor six of the new 60 plus-tonne freighters,converting a Letter of Intent signedin October 2006.
Deliveries of the six aircraft areexpected to begin in early-2010. Hyderbad,India-based Flyington Freightersis the first cargo airline to sign up forthe new A330-200F, with an order forsix of the aircraft, due for delivery inthe second half of 2009.
US-based Intrepid Aviation Grouphas signed a Letter of Intent for thepurchase of twenty A330-200Fs, thefirst of which is scheduled for deliveryin early-2010.
The A330-200F will be equippedwith a main-deck cargo loading systemthat can accommodate both palletsand containers, enabling operatorsto service each of these very differentmarkets.