Identifying a critical need of thelogistics and the trading community,the Sri Lanka Freight ForwardersAssociation (SLFFA) has come forwardto set the first academy to build capacityin international trade and transportationin Sri Lanka, a press release said. This is the first time a transport servicesector association has stepped into aventure that will offer new opportunitiesto the school leavers and industryemployees to get practical experienceand knowledge through working withthe industry and at the same timeachieve academic qualifications in thefield. A knowledgeable work force candeliver more effectively and efficientlyto a dynamic industry.
Sri Lankan exporters, importers,shipping agents, freight forwarders andall other players involved in international trade, transportation and logisticsare having a serious problem todayof recruiting skilled and knowledgeablecadre into the work force.
Today most companies do their owntraining through their own experiencesand resources. As a result most companyexecutives gain relatively low level ofknowledge in the area of internationaltrade. Such knowledge gaps can lead toa negative contribution for businessesas they will not operate under optimumefficiency in servicing and competingwith other countries, at the same timecompanies take a lot of time to traintheir employees at a high cost the releasefurther states.
The Academy for InternationalTrade and Transportation (AITT) willbe launched in 2007 with the collaborationwith UNESCAP and FIATA.