DHL has expanded itsTime Definite Delivery (TDD)service to Vietnam. A suite oftime-definite delivery products,DHL’s TDD portfoliocomprises StartDay Expressfor guaranteed delivery by 9a.m., and MidDay Express fordelivery by noon.
With this latest serviceenhancement, DHL will startproviding MidDay Express forVietnam-bound documents.Customers in Japan will nowbe able to send documentsto Vietnam by noon of thenext business day. DHL saidit expects increased demandfor MidDay Express documentdelivery services boundfor Vietnam from consumerdurable manufacturers suchas those producing personalcomputers and home appliances,as well as banks andother financial institutions.
Total import and exportvolumes in Vietnam havegrown between 19 and 24 percentyear-on-year respectivelyfor the first nine months of2006, and demand for expressand logistics servicesare also increasingly growingwith Vietnam’s scheduledWorld Trade Organisationaccession in January 2007.