THAI Cargo and Thai Customs Departmentsaid they have started usingthe e-customs system in the CustomsFree Zone at Suvarnabhumi Airportsince January 1.
In a statement they said that Customsformality and service time hasbeen reduced from an average of threehours to only 30 minutes with the paperlesssystem.
Chanchai Singtoroj, managing directorTHAI Cargo said: "Even thoughthe ACCS (Airport Cargo CommunitySystem) of the Free Zone Operatorhas not been in service, THAI Cargohas directly communicated with ThaiCustoms by EDI with no malfunctionor any cause of delay since the openingof Suvarnabhumi Airport."
In addition to the e-customs system, Chanchai said that THAI Cargo willprovide a "Fast Lane" for its key accountcustomers with faster and betterservice.
Moreover, THAI Cargo said thatthis year, more than 3,000 ULDs willbe replaced and added to improve thecargo operation service standards atSuvarnabhumi Airport.