Boeing completed the fi rst test fl ight of its latest unmanned X-48B blendedwing- body research aircraft, designated the X-48B, when it climbed to 7,500 ft at Edwards Air Force Base in California last month. The unmanned test vehicle represents a possible future aircraft that replaces the traditional tube-and-wing design with a shape resembling a mantaray — essentially a fl ying wing. The prototype, which has a 21-foot wingspan and weighs 500 pounds, fl ew for a half-hour at … [Read more...] about Boeing's blended wing makes first test flight
Facing the challenges of China's fragmented distribution systems
The mammoth China market is facing huge distribution problems, because it is fragmented and lacks the necessary IT support and credit systems, while it also faces numerous hurdles due to lack of uniform rules and regulations among various provinces and districts, Eric Laborie, vice president business development at SITC Logistics, says. "SITC Logistics, which is one of the largest Chinese freight forwarders with 14 years experience in the high-tech industry, handles large multi-national … [Read more...] about Facing the challenges of China's fragmented distribution systems
Japan's Kansai airport to rely on cargo growth
With the scheduled August 2 opening of a second runway, fi nancially troubled Kansai International Airport is hoping to be revived as a major Asian freight hub, according to a Japan Times report. Since the offshore airport opened in 1994 with one runway, it has touted itself as, among others, a cargo gateway to Asia. Over the years, the number of fl ights to Asia, especially China, has increased as fl ights to Europe and North America were cut back. The volume of international freight is … [Read more...] about Japan's Kansai airport to rely on cargo growth
AFA 2007 exhibition offers broad spectrum of today's leading cargo players
Compared with the previous show in Shanghai, the used floor space of the 13th Air Freight Asia Exhibition has expanded by more than 20 percent, refl ecting continued interest from the international air cargo industry in displaying their products and services in Asia, the world's fastest growingeconomic region. Seventy exhibitors from Asia (including China), the Middle East, Europe (including Russia) and the US have confi rmed their participation in this year's event. The latest additions to … [Read more...] about AFA 2007 exhibition offers broad spectrum of today's leading cargo players
Air Freight Asia 2007 Conference~ All speakers & panel members confirmed
Close to 30 international senior executives from various areas of the air cargo industry, have confi rmed their participation in the 13th Air Freight Asia 2007 Conference in Hong Kong, which will take place in the ballroom of the Regal Airport Hotel on September4 and September 5. The 13th edition of this biennial trade event will be offi cially opened by Stanley Hui, chief executive offi cer of Hong Kong International Airport and former CEO of Dragonair. The latest to confi rm his … [Read more...] about Air Freight Asia 2007 Conference~ All speakers & panel members confirmed
UPS launches "Express Critical"
UPS has announced the launch of UPS Express Critical, which it describes as "a service that meshes all of UPS' same-day and urgent capabilities into a single suite, allowing customers to more effectively manage package and heavy freight shipmentstogether." "For the fi rst time in the industry, customers have a single point of contact regardless of whether they're shipping a small package or a 1,000 pound machine part - air or ground, domestic or international. Customers now … [Read more...] about UPS launches "Express Critical"