Parcel mail volumes are surging forEmirates due to a growth in onlinepurchases, according to a spokespersonfor the carrier, making up for a declinein letter mail volumes. "Post offices offer a better networkthan the integrators or other logisticsoperators as they are represented evenin remote villages of every country, sothey are capturing more of this traffic",says Challakal Harikumar, the carrier'scargo express and mail controller. Meanwhile the trend towards … [Read more...] about E-commerce causes parcel surge for Emirates
Hongkong Post eyes mailing hub status
Hongkong Post is planning tobecome a mailing hub for the mainlandin a move that could bring ithundreds of millions of dollars ayear, Postmaster General Tam Wingpongtold the Standard newspaper. Tam, who took over the position inJuly, said the growing bulk commercialmailing market in the mainland will be akey focus for Hongkong Post's businessdevelopment over the next few years. 'Many countries are looking at themainland's postal services, includingsending to or delivering from themainland, … [Read more...] about Hongkong Post eyes mailing hub status
Emirates Post signs postal deals
Emirates Post has signed two separateagreements with Yemen and Egypt.Abdulla Al Daboos, director general ofEmirates Post, signed memorandumsof understanding (MoU) with MohammedAli Morgham, director generalof Post Authority of Yemen, and AlaaFahmi, chairman of Egyptian NationalPost Authority. Under the agreement with Yemen,Emirates Post and Yemen will worktogether to enhance postal services betweenthe two countries, start a moneytransfer service, and put together amarketing and promotions … [Read more...] about Emirates Post signs postal deals
TNT starts direct marketing venture in China
In contrast to Europe, where TNTis already seeing rapid growth as ittakes advantage of European Unionledliberalisation in mail markets, opportunitiesin Asia for its mail divisonremain limited. Though TNT's express parcels networkin the region is expanding rapidly,and though it has an ambition to getinto addressed mail in the region too,in practice monopolies by nationalpost offices limit its mail forays to theunaddressed business mail market anddirect marketing services. For example, the … [Read more...] about TNT starts direct marketing venture in China
500 rural post offices may close
More than 10 percent of about4,400 privately run post offices undercontract with Japan Post mayclose, according to a survey by thepublic corporation. Of about 24,600post offices nation-wide, some 4,400are run privately mainly in ruralareas, commissioned by Japan Post. The survey found around 500 ofthe private post offices have closedor will do so because many agents areunwilling to renew contracts with JapanPost. Japan Post conducted the surveyof post offices, most of them in townsand … [Read more...] about 500 rural post offices may close
Champ Cargosystems launches eXpressWEB
CHAMP Cargosystems has launcheda new Internet service directed towardsimplifying and speeding up the bookingprocess of express shipments. Working with specific requirementssubmitted by COPA Courier,eXpressWEB was designed anddeveloped to make the express shipmentbooking task as simple as fillingout just one Web form. The service responds to the userwith the total charges of the shipmentallowing the user to make modificationsuntil they are satisfied. Once the booking is submitted, acopy … [Read more...] about Champ Cargosystems launches eXpressWEB