Express, forwarding and logisticsgiant Aramex is capturing some bulkmail traffic in the Middle East, but hasyet to see direct marketing and otherbulk mailing – the only kind of mailthat is still growing for European andUS post offices - take off to any greatdegree in the region, according to itsCEO Fadi Ghandour. 'It is not like in Europe or the US,' he says. 'Mail is not yet much used for marketing here as it is in the West. Post offices would love it to happen, but it is not there … [Read more...] about Bulk mail customers turn to Aramex
China Postal Airlines starts flights to Osaka
China Postal Airlines has launcheddirect mail and cargo flights betweenShanghai and Osaka in Japan, shorteningdelivery times between the twocities by at least 12 hours, Xinhua newsagency reported. The China Post subsidiary uses aB737-300 for the new service, whichtakes about two hours to reachOsaka. It is the second international cargoservice that China Postal Airlineshas launched this year. It launched aBeijing-Seoul cargo service in August. Xinhua said the new service willboost … [Read more...] about China Postal Airlines starts flights to Osaka
DHL Global Mail expands its toehold in Asia
While 'front door' access to theAsian mail markets is still barred bya lack of liberalisation, DHL GlobalMail is increasingly exploring backdoor routes, through joint venturesand other initiatives in the direct mailarena, according to its chairman, KlausKnappik. An example is the company's jointventure with Yamato Holdings in Japan,which was formalised in March. Thenew joint venture company – YamatoDirect Marketing – is involved in allaspects of promotional mailing forbusinesses, … [Read more...] about DHL Global Mail expands its toehold in Asia
How a liberalised mail market works
What does a liberalised mail marketlook like? What might an Asian countryexpect if it allowed competitors to itsnational post office? For an answer, one might look at theUK, which is one of the most liberalisedmarkets in the European Unionat present. True, its national postaloperator, Royal Mail, is still government-owned, when other Europeancountries – most notably Germanyand the Netherlands – have privatisedtheirs, but Royal Mail is under pressureon its home patch as never … [Read more...] about How a liberalised mail market works
Post Danmark expands product range
Post Danmark has acquired 51 percentof the shares in Transportgruppenby direct placement. The purchase of Transportgruppenshares will give Post Danmark accessto a finely meshed and efficient nation-wide network for the distributionof goods. According to Post Danmark deputyexecutive Carsten Dalbo, a co-operativeventure with Transportgruppen'scarriers will enable Post Danmark tooffer its customers a total conceptcovering courier shipments, parcelsand mixed cargo of all sizes. 'In … [Read more...] about Post Danmark expands product range
Empost now covers 225 destinations globally
Reinforcing its position as one of thetop courier companies in the MiddleEast, Empost, the UAE's national couriercompany, now covers 225 destinationsaround the world including Australia,the American continents, Europe, FarEast, Indian Sub Continent, Africa andall the Middle East. What gives Emposta competitive edge is the fact that itdelivers its services to these destinationswithin 72 hours. Sultan Al Midfa, CEO, Empost said: 'We have upgraded our coverage and infrastructure to cover more … [Read more...] about Empost now covers 225 destinations globally