‘Attention please, will the owner of three B747s please return to information counter to reclaim your misplaced freighters. Thank you.’ We really don’t know where to begin on this little news item that seems to be so curiously absurd that even the mainstream media outlets around the world picked up the story. In case you somehow managed to miss it, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) took out a full-page classified advertisement in Malaysia’s Th e Star newspaper asking for the … [Read more...] about Cue public address system
Belly Ache
Sup dawg? Being the perennially skeptical lot that we are here at Belly Ache Central, we certainly didn’t believe our ears when someone tipped us off about a little humour piece posted on the ‘Punchbag’ page of leading European logistics website CargoForwarder Global. Yes, we know what you’re all thinking, given where the publication is based… But we digress. And so, we paid a visit to said page and lo and behold there it was. To summarise, AA Cargo put out a press release on the transport of … [Read more...] about Belly Ache
21 O’Leary-isms*
The Belly Achers are … proud… well something like that, to bring the result of a late night conversation in far away place – and no, this isn’t about pillow talk – with one of the Belly Achers’ favourite drinking buddies, err, ummh, ahhh…. we mean ‘sources’. It was like this… wiTha chilled ‘beverage’ in our hands we were rambling off on pretty much everything under the moon including who might make a good replacement for Tony Tyler as head of IATA. Not so high on the cargo agenda, but lets … [Read more...] about 21 O’Leary-isms*
Dumb, dumber and dumbest
The bottom line here is that this Facebook exchange simply proves, yet again, some wellknown truths. These being: 1. It’s never a good idea to try to be an expert in something you don’t even have an amateur ranking in, let alone the slightest inkling of; and 2. The Internet simply allows intellectuallychallenged (AKA dumb) people to falsely assume they are actually intelligent. So without further ado, a Facebook exchange featuring the Terrific Three of A, S and J (names blanked out to protect … [Read more...] about Dumb, dumber and dumbest
Armed and no cross check!
Recently a news item crossed our path and piqued our curiosity. It seems a little blunder by cleaning staff triggered an emergency slide of a Cathay Pacific B777 to inflate, delaying 277 travellers bound for Chicago recently. The aircraft was parked at the terminal building at Hong Kong International Airport undergoing servicing by ground crew and cleaning staff. As a result of the incident the aircraft was immediately taken out of service for inspection — a normal procedure following … [Read more...] about Armed and no cross check!
Memories of Munich!
Digging through their photo archive, the Belly Achers came across these photos from the recent Air Cargo Europe event in Munich – you know, the place where beer is almost the same price as bottled water but tastes 1,000 times better! And it has a tonne more vitamins and minerals than water too. And just by chance the Belly Achers, while on a night off from the hectic pace of the event, stumbled into (well actually we walked into… and stumbled on the way out – but more on the reason for that … [Read more...] about Memories of Munich!