Airbus has been given the go-aheadfor the industrial launch of the A330-200 Freighter and confirmed that GuggenheimAviation Partners, FlyingtonFreighters and Intrepid Leasing havesigned orders for a total of 32 AirbusA330-200 Freighters. US-based Guggenheim AviationPartners acting on behalf of one ofits investment funds, is the launchcustomer for the A330-200F. The company has signed a contractfor six of the new 60 plus-tonne freighters,converting a Letter of Intent signedin October … [Read more...] about Airbus confirms orders for A330-200F
Icelandair picks SGS for ground handling
Icelandair has signed an agreementwith SAS Ground Services (SGS) forground handling. It covers services atthe airports at Oslo and Bergen in Norwayand Stockholm and Gothenburg inSweden. De-icing service at Oslo airportis also included. The new contract together with SGS'current services to Icelandair at Copenhagenand Helsinki airports entailsapprox. 2,100 departures per year.The contract will be effective fromFebruary 1, 2007. … [Read more...] about Icelandair picks SGS for ground handling
100% screening feasible, says handler
100 percent screening of air cargois perfectly feasible and would be amore sensible system than the currentKnown Shipper system, according toOlivier Bijaoui, president and CEO ofWorldwide Flight Services (WFS), theworld's largest cargo handler. Speaking in response to the 10January vote in the US Congress thatmandated screening for all belly cargowithin three years, Bijaoui insists that itwould present WFS, which has handlingoperations at many US airports, withno particular problem. 'We … [Read more...] about 100% screening feasible, says handler
SLFFA disturbed by new DMS standards
The freight forwarding industry andshippers in Sri Lanka have expressedserious concerns about the attemptsby the Director of Merchant Shipping,(DMS) to regulate the industry usinglow standards and hastily drafted legislation. Freight forwarders in Sri Lanka,whose representative body, the SriLanka Freight Forwarders Association(SLFFA) completed 25 years ofexistence this year, have played aninfluential role in making Sri Lankaa leading logistics and freight hub inSouth Asia. Unlike shipping … [Read more...] about SLFFA disturbed by new DMS standards
Chinese ground handler looks to SE Asia for expansion
CAH, which holds 60 percent in thejoint venture with SATS controllingthe remaining 40 percent, has becomea leading airport group in MainlandChina by taking over several domesticairports. In line with CAH's strategy to makeBGS a leading provider of groundhandling services in China, the groundhandler meanwhile has set up facilitiesat airports in Chongqing, Hubei,Guizhou, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Jilin as wellas Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang. From the start in 1995, the companyhas been providing … [Read more...] about Chinese ground handler looks to SE Asia for expansion
Domodedovo International Airport
Moscow's Domodedovo InternationalAirport said 2006 cargo trafficreached 126,300 tonnes, a 6.8 percentyear-on-year increase. Cargo traffic volumein December 2006 amounted to11,900 tonnes, a 4.1 percent rise overDecember 2005. … [Read more...] about Domodedovo International Airport