A low intensity explosive was found in a cargo compartment of Kingfisher flight IT-4731 that arrived in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala state, from Bangalore on 21 March. According to the police, the crude bomb was found wrapped in a newspaper at the cargo section, while the crew was clearing that section of the plane. The discovery triggered alarms in Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram, leading to a high-level investigation on how it got past the many layers of security. All passengers and … [Read more...] about INDIA: Crude bomb found on Kingfisher flight
INDIAl Biometrics ID cards for Indian airports
Indian airport security is set to be given a boost with the introduction of biometric ID cards from April 2010 onwards. Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport will be the launch site for these, the Hindustan Times reported, with other airports around the country adopting them soon after. Airport workers, airline representatives and other people engaged in work at this airport will soon receive smart cards to replace the AEPs (Airport Entry Passes) in use now. Issuing the new … [Read more...] about INDIAl Biometrics ID cards for Indian airports
INDIA: Aryan Cargo ready for China take-off
China is set to be the first destination served by India-based air freight carrier Aryan Cargo Express (ACE) when it launches operations in mid-April. The subsidiary of New Delhi-based Aryan Cargo Express & Logistics is waiting to be issued with slots at Hong Kong and airports in mainland China for its three A310 freighters, dry leased from Air India, for services between the Indian cities of Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai and China. ACE will take delivery of two leased MD-11 aircraft … [Read more...] about INDIA: Aryan Cargo ready for China take-off
INDIA: Air India may not hive off cargo unit
State-owned Air India is having second thoughts about turning its cargo unit into separate business unit, according to Indian media reports. The loss-making carrier had earlier announced plans to hive off its cargo business into an independent autonomous unit from 1 April this year to cater to the growing cargo market in the country. Based on the recommendations by consultancy firm Accenture, Air India’s parent, the National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL), had … [Read more...] about INDIA: Air India may not hive off cargo unit
MACAU: Viva Macau grounded by dispute
A dispute with the country’s sole fuel supplier over payment has led to Viva Macau Airlines being grounded after its Air Operator Certificate (AOC) was revoked. The airline claims its AOC was terminated by the Civil Aviation Authority of Macau without any prior notice, which affected flights to a number of destinations, including Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. … [Read more...] about MACAU: Viva Macau grounded by dispute
INDONESIA: Garuda eyes Southeast Asia growth
Indonesian carrier, Garuda Indonesia, is introducing new routes, new aircraft and adding frequencies in four Southeast Asian markets - Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore - in response to what it says is pent-up demand for travel across the region. The move is also in support of the airline’s goal to grow international departures by more than 300 per cent to 1,222 weekly by 2014. … [Read more...] about INDONESIA: Garuda eyes Southeast Asia growth