India’s Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel recently promised a blueprint for the air industry’s expansion by 2020, including plans for a series of airport upgrades by 2010. A prime project is a cargo centre at Nagpur due for completion next year, which Patel hopes will boost India’s nascent air cargo market.“We hope to see that Nagpur becomes...something like Memphis, a major hubfor cargo in India,” Patel said Tax incentivesare one tool the Indian governmentis … [Read more...] about Lack of infrastructure hampers India's air cargo growth
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Supplement: World Air Cargo Airports
World Air Cargo Airports Supplement … [Read more...] about Supplement: World Air Cargo Airports
British aviation pioneer Chris Foyle last month joined TIACA’s Hall of Fame. Picture shows former TIACA president, Dora Kay handing the Hall of Fame Award to Foyle during a galadinner in Cologne, which was hosted by Cologne-Bonn Airport. … [Read more...] about People
The Federation of Asia-Pacifi c Aircargo Associations comprises 17 organisations: Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics, Japan Aircargo Forwarders Association, Korea International Freight Forwarders Association, Aircargo Forwarders of the Philippines Inc, Taiwan Airfreight Forwarders Association, Singapore Aircargo Agents Association, Thailand Airfreight Forwarders Association, Indonesian Forwarders Association, Macau Air Freight Forwarding (Logistics) Association, Federation … [Read more...] about FAPAA
Airbus conversion specialist EADS EFW last month delivered the fi rst of three converted A300-600Fs to China Eastern. The second aircraft is now in conversion (pictured above) and the third is scheduled to begin in September this year. China Eastern last month reported a net loss of 2.78 billion yuan (US$360.18 million) in 2006, compared to a net profi t of 60.47 million a year earlier. … [Read more...] about Gateways
Fraport takes stake in NW China airport
Germany’s Fraport, the operator of Frankfurt Airport, as become one of the sareholders of Xianyang nternational Airport in Nothwest China’s Shaanxi Province by obtaining a 24.5 percent stake, state media reported. Under an agreement signed last month, Fraport will pay 490 million yuan for the stake while the state-owned company Cina West Airport Group, former sole owner of the airport, will hold 50.9 percent of shares. The other two shareholders are China National Aviation … [Read more...] about Fraport takes stake in NW China airport