Russia's scheduled cargo airline,AirBridge Cargo (ABC) said it hasjoined Cargo 2000 and will use its qualitysystem to underpin its commitmentto the highest levels of customer service.As the scheduled cargo airline ofVolga-Dnepr Group, ABC commencedoperations in 2004. Stan Wraight, vice president ofVolga-Dnepr Group responsible forscheduled cargo operations, said: "Ithas always been our intention to joinCargo 2000 once we had the managementteam and processes in place tosupport the … [Read more...] about Russia: ABC becomes Cargo 2000 member
Air Cargo Asia
Chengdu truffles find new market in Europe
After selling mushrooms of the tricholomamatsutake variety to Japan forvery many years, which at the heightof the season in summer meant anaverage volume of about 50 tonnes,mainly transported by Air China, WangJin, director of the Chengdu ShanxingCompany, in 1995 discovered thehigh value of truffles. Before that time,truffles had never been considered oreven used by the Chinese as a food orfood additive. In 1994 one of Wang's Japaneseclients visited his farms in ChengduProvince and pointed … [Read more...] about Chengdu truffles find new market in Europe
Shenzhen offers subsidies to cargo airlines
Shenzhen authoritiesin southern China areoffering subsidies to airlinesthat launch all-cargoroutes from Shenzhen InternationalAirport to spureconomic growth and thedevelopment of the industry,reports said. Companies will be eligiblefor a subsidy of up to10 million yuan (US$1.29million) for each aircraftannually, provided theybase their operations fromShenzhen airport, Xinhuareports. The report said that ifa carrier launched internationalair cargo servicesfrom Shenzhen, they willqualify for … [Read more...] about Shenzhen offers subsidies to cargo airlines
Air China reports record profit
Air China and Air Macauparent Air China Ltd. earneda 2006 net profit of CNY3.19billion (US$411.8 million),up 86.71 percent over theprior year, on a 17.4 percentlift in operating revenue toCNY44.9 billion. Chairman Li Jiaxiang saidthe result was in part dueto the company's A-sharelisting in Shanghai and therestructuring of its crossshareholding with CathayPacific Airways. "The share listing helped stabilise our capital structureand provides us theresources to continue ourfleet … [Read more...] about Air China reports record profit
Menlo Worldwide sets up part distribution for Embraer
Menlo Worldwide said ithas been selected by Embraer,the world's leadingmanufacturer of commercialjets up to 110 seats, tooperate a regional logisticshub providing dedicatedservice parts warehousingand distribution supportingthe launch of Embraer'sfamily of regional and executivejet aircraft in theAsia-Pacific market, includingmainland China. Under the contract, Menlohas established a dedicated,24/7 operation at itsexisting Singapore regionallogistics hub providingrapid response fulfillmentto … [Read more...] about Menlo Worldwide sets up part distribution for Embraer
Kerry Logistics and Wincanton sign JV agreement
Kerry Logistics and Wincantonhave signed a jointventure agreement to provideinternational supplychain solutions for customersshipping goods betweenthe Far East and Europe. With the increasing demandfor products manufacturedand sourced in Asia,the joint venture will enablecustomers to maintain asingle logistics relationshipfrom manufacturing plantsin the Far East through tostores across Europe andvice versa. Kerry Logistics isan Asia-based China-focused3PL company, providingpan-China logistics … [Read more...] about Kerry Logistics and Wincanton sign JV agreement