TNT launched last monthits "Picking the Best for China" programme in Indonesiato promote its capabilities,competitiveness and efficiencyof import and exportservices to and from China. "Through this programme,TNT serves as import-exportfacilitator, particularly forcompanies that are lookingfor an air express partnerthat truly understands theirbusiness needs," TNT Indonesiacountry manager PeterLangley said. He added "the fact is thatas more foreign companieschannel … [Read more...] about TNT offers China trade programme
Air Cargo Asia
UPS expands service in UAE
UPS has expanded itsservice offering in the UnitedArab Emirates, enablingcustomers to select fromtwo different options for thedaily, time-definite deliveryof packages between internationaltrading markets. Both services should expanddelivery options onroutes between the US andAsia, Europe and the Americas.The first option, UPSWorldwide Express, guaranteesdelivery by 10.30am or12pm, depending on thedestination. The second option,UPS Worldwide Saver,guarantees delivery by theend of the business … [Read more...] about UPS expands service in UAE
FedEx completes acquisition
FedEx Corp has completedthe purchase of TianjinDatian W. Group's 50 percentshare of the FedEx-DTWInternational Priority expressjoint venture and DTWGroup's domestic expressnetwork in China. FedEx and DTW signedthe purchase agreementmore than a year ago. "China continues to beone of the fastest growingmarkets in the express industryand a key to FedExinternational growth andprofitability," said MichaelDucker, president of FedExExpress International. "With more than … [Read more...] about FedEx completes acquisition
TNT opens life sciences hub
TNT Express has openedits Life Sciences Express Hubin Singapore - its largest lifesciences regional distributioncentre (RDC) in the world. The RDC spans 65,000square feet, which costs more than S$8 million to develop,is TNT's largest investmentin Singapore. It is expectedto handle at least US$100million worth of medicalequipment every year. Life sciences companiesin Europe and the US willbe able to base their logisticshub in Singapore and deliverproducts to customers in Asiawithin 24 … [Read more...] about TNT opens life sciences hub
FedEx to offer domestic service in China
FedEx Express said that itwill offer next-business-daydomestic express service inChina beginning May 28,2007. The new domestic offeringwill connect businesses bothwithin China and aroundthe world. The new domesticservices, expected to be fullyoperational in June 2007, willserve China's burgeoningmarket with next-businessday,time-definite deliveryservice to 19 cities and aday-definite service to morethan 200 cities throughoutthe country. Real-time packagestatus tracking will letcustomers know … [Read more...] about FedEx to offer domestic service in China
DHL in ‘massive deal’ with LH Cargo
Reports say that DHL andLufthansa Cargo are in thefinal stages of negotiating anew partnership to providelong-haul capacity for thecompany's express services,which insiders believe will bemore extensive than DHL'srecent pact with Polar AirCargo. Emirates SkyCargo, whichtogether with Cargolux andLufthansa Cargo was amongthe airlines, which participatedin the secret tenderprocess, declined to discussthe outcome of the tenderother than by saying that "you win some, you lose … [Read more...] about DHL in ‘massive deal’ with LH Cargo