European Cargo Services (ECS) hasextended its network to the UnitedArab Emirates with the opening of itsown office in Dubai, located in theDubai Airport Free Zone adjacentto the airline and freight forwardingcommunity. Globe Air Cargo FZE is the firstfully-owned ECS office in the MiddleEast region. In Dubai, ECS will providecargo sales services for Qantas Airways,SN Brussels, Ukraine InternationalAirlines and Africa West. Shiranka Leo, who formerly spent24 years working for Singapore … [Read more...] about ECS extends cargo GSA network to Dubai
Air Cargo Asia
Aviapartner Cargo inks deal with AirPart
Aviapartner Cargo has signed a formalco-operation agreement with Air-Part, a subsidiary company of NurembergAirport, which calls for reciprocalcargo handling services for each other'scustomers. The deal also includes thedevelopment of a close co-operation incommercial and operational matters. Last year, Aviapartner Cargo announcedsimilar co-operation agreementswith other handlers in Hamburg, Dortmund, D¨¹sseldorf, Dresden, Leipzig,and Stuttgart, bringing the totalnumber of airports where … [Read more...] about Aviapartner Cargo inks deal with AirPart
Air Logistics suffers Indian setback
Air Logistics has suffered a setbackin its Indian operation due to the cancellationof A330 passenger services toMumbai by British airline bmi. The carrier suspended flights on theroute in early October when a serioustechnical problem was found on theA330-200 that it was using. That suspension became permanentin late October. That was bad news forAir Logistics, the global GSA arm ofChapman Freeborn, which launchedoperations in India in 2004 on the backof the bmi business, opening offices … [Read more...] about Air Logistics suffers Indian setback
Expolanka looks to Africa
Hong Kong, Dubai, Frankfurt, andMiami might be the typical itineraryof an air cargo executive, but HanifYusoof's travel plans reveal the verydifferent focus of his company. As president of Sri Lankan-basedconglomerate, Expolanka Group, heplans to visit Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Benin,Togo, Liberia, Gambia and the Sudanduring 2007. And while the ExpolankaGroup has a range of activities bothinside transport and outside it, buildingup the cargo GSA business will be a keyfocus on these … [Read more...] about Expolanka looks to Africa
Indian LCCs eye express cargo
Indian budget airlines plan tocarry express cargo as they look atalternative revenue streams to boosttheir financials amid falling passengerfares, Reuters reported. Low-cost airlines such as Air Deccan,SpiceJet and GoAir expect package anddocument shipments to make up at least10 percent of their revenue in their firstfull year of cargo operations. GoAir recently launched cargooperations while SpiceJet hopes tostart in the second half of 2007 and AirDeccan plans to lift on-board courierfrom … [Read more...] about Indian LCCs eye express cargo
FAGSA frustrated by airline silence
Anti-trust laws are supposed toprevent customers from being manipulatedby collaboration betweensuppliers, but in the airline industry itschief effect seems to be creating a wallof silence on important topics. Such at least seems to be the experienceof FAGSA, the Federation ofGeneral Sales Agents, which has seen itsefforts on the topic of bank guaranteesand commission on surcharges, blockedby airline fears of anti-trust prosecution,following the high profile investigationsby the EU and US … [Read more...] about FAGSA frustrated by airline silence