BLIND DATE - The following storywas submitted by a cargo gentlemanfrom an airline in the Middle East, whoshall remain anonymous, simply becausehe doesn't play golf. Stevie Wonder and Tiger Woods arein a restaurant having dinner. Woods turns to Wonder and says, "How's the singing career going?" Stevie Wonder replies, "Not too bad. How's the golf?" Woods replies, "Not too bad. I've had some problems with my swing, but I think I've got that going right … [Read more...] about BLIND DATE
Air Cargo Asia
KIX RUN - We hear that the folks atKansai airport in Osaka Prefecture willhost some running events on its brandnewrunway in May before the runwaybecomes operational in August. The company is inviting the publicto participate in the "2007 Shin ChikyuRun in KIX" on May 13. The airport, which currently operatesits sole 3,500-meter runway, completedconstruction of the new 4,000-meterrunway at the end of December. In a press release, KIX noted thatthis will be the first and the … [Read more...] about KIX RUN
NIX LAX - Where will it land?? InNew York or Los Angeles?? A war of words broke out last monthbetween satisfied JKF airport officialsand extremely angry Los Angeles(LAX) airport executives, when thelatter accused Airbus that it had renegedon a promise to bring its newshiny A380 to LAX on its first US testflight. Airbus last month announcedthat the A380 would fly from Frankfurtto JFK in New York on March 19, fromwhere it will go to Chicago's O'Harethe next day. The jet will then fly from … [Read more...] about NIX LAX
BAN - We admit it's a bit late, but asyou know we never let an opportunitygo pass if it concerns the tobacco Mafia.Depending on whose side you're on,this one is quite hilarious. Organisers of the Tobacco AsiaExpo 2007, which took place in HongKong in January were outraged whenhours before the opening, they foundout that Hong Kong had introduced atotal smoking ban in public places onJanuary 1st. Even special smoking rooms wherevisitors and potential cancer clientscould puff away on a fag, … [Read more...] about BAN
BRAND NAMES - We are pleasedto report that we recently received anew addition to the long list of brandnames that more or less look like PayloadAsia. The most obvious one, Playboy, isof course a no-brainer, but Paylord,Playlord, Praylord and a few others aretestimony to great creative brains, whosend us mail. The latest comes from no otherthan Singapore Speedpost, which rightbefore Chinese New Year sent us a"prosperity pack" with the slogan "EnjoyTriple Happiness with … [Read more...] about BRAND NAMES