FedEx Corp last month upgradedIndia from a country within a regionto a full region in its own right, theEconomic Times reported. FedExpreviously had five regions, each withits own vice president. These regions were the US, Canada,EMEA (Europe, Middle East, andAfrica), Latin America- Caribbean(LAC) and Asia-Pacific (APAC). Indiacame under EMEA and had JacquesCreeten as its managing directorreporting to his vice president in Brussels, Belgium. Since December 2006, however,in recognition of … [Read more...] about FedEx upgrades India presence
Air Cargo Asia
Postal liberalisation could costs 32,000 jobs
Deutsche Post World Net AG chiefexecutive officer, Klaus Zumwinkelsaid about 32,000 jobs could be lost asa result of the planned liberalisationof postal services in Germany. In aninterview with DPA German newsagency, he said competitors would beable to get hold of around 20 percent ofthe volume of letters being handled byDeutsche Post after Dec 31, 2007, whenthe company's monopoly ends. "This would then mean the end foraround 32,000 jobs in Deutsche Post,"he was quoted as saying. … [Read more...] about Postal liberalisation could costs 32,000 jobs
Japan Post transfers fail on system glitch
Japan Post last month said that some10,000 automatic withdrawals frompostal savings accounts failed over fourbusiness days due to a computer systemglitch, Kyodo News reported. The troubleemerged as Japan Post made some modifications to its computer systemto prevent erroneous money transferson Jan. 4, it said. Japan Post reverted to the previousconfiguration and the system hasworked properly since, it said. JapanPost has apologised to users of the automaticmoney withdrawal service forthe … [Read more...] about Japan Post transfers fail on system glitch
Partnership is the key for US Postal Service
"We don't want to replicate theDeutsche Post model in believing thatpurchasing and controlling all thenetwork assets will make us successful,"says Paul Vogel, managing director ofthe US Postal Service's Global Businessunit. "We instead believe that finding as many partners around the world as possible is a much better model for us." This the USPS has set out to workwith post offices in the Asian region,rather than pushing them to liberalisetheir markets. One example is … [Read more...] about Partnership is the key for US Postal Service
Austrian Post takes stake in trans-o-flex
The Austrian Post (ÖsterreichischePost) has acquired 74.9 percent ofthe shares in trans-o-flex GmbH andassociated companies from Odewald &Co and Alpha Beteiligungsberatung.Odewald & Co and Alpha haveretained a holding of 25.1 percent.The transaction means that AustrianPost is strengthening its parcelsand logistics division, increasing itsEuropean reach and intensifying itsexisting successful co-operation withtrans-o-flex. Austrian post already delivers about5,000 parcels per day in … [Read more...] about Austrian Post takes stake in trans-o-flex
ACMG publishes annual analysis
Air Cargo Management Group's newly-released International Air Freight andExpress Industry Performance Analysis2006 provides a detailed assessmentof the international air cargo/expressindustry and the companies that competein this evolving market. Publishedannually since 1994, this 200-pagestudy provides the only comprehensivequantitative and qualitative independentanalysis of the US$71 billion globalair cargo industry. ACMG's new reportshows that the industry grew at a midsingle-digit rate in … [Read more...] about ACMG publishes annual analysis