IATA has signed an MOU with theUN Universal Postal Union to facilitategreater co-operation between theairlines and postal services to furtherstandardise practices and electronicdata interchange message standards.UPU director general Edouard Dayantold the IATA World Cargo Symposiumin Mexico that interconnectingthe airline and the postal sector's EDInetworks was the key to improvingservice levels. He said about 20 airlines exchangedEDI standard messages with more than30 postal operators, … [Read more...] about IATA to standardise with post
Air & Cargo Services
Norway Post to buy Transflex
Norway Post said it has enteredinto a contract to buy all the sharesin Transflex, a Swedish transport andlogistics group. Transflex was established in 1998and has operations in Halmstad,Gothenburg, Stockholm, Jönköpingand Linköping. It has 75 employeesand achieved revenue of SEK 417 millionin 2006. The Transflex Group will become apart of Norway Post's logistics networkin Sweden together with refrigerated-transport company Frigoscandia,courier and express delivery … [Read more...] about Norway Post to buy Transflex
France continues La Poste monopoly
Proposals by the European Commissionto open postal markets to unrestrictedcompetition, will force E.U.nations to withdraw state support fornational postal services, the Wall StreetJournal reported. .Proposals put forward by the commissionwould have forced France tounwind its unlimited guarantee for allliabilities held by La Poste, which makesthe company a low-risk borrower. The country's 17,000 post officeswould also have had to share the marketwith global mail carriers like TNTand … [Read more...] about France continues La Poste monopoly
Pos Indonesia, Korea Post ink deal
State-owned postal service company,PT Pos Indonesia has recently inked adeal with Korea's postal service agency,Korea Post, particularly to support acorporate restructuring programmeand the development of an informationtechnology system. CEO of PT Pos Indonesia, HanaSuryana said the co-operation is part ofthe company's move to achieve moreprofit, including this year's profit targetof Rp 27 billion, and for long termrestructuring plans. "Korea Post will provide long term financial … [Read more...] about Pos Indonesia, Korea Post ink deal
Emirates Post buys freighters
Abdulla Al Daboos, director generalof Emirates Post, has announced thatthe postal organisation has purchasedtwo freighters, which are likely to startoperating this month. Al Daboos didnot specify what type of freighters hadbeen acquired. Speaking at the Mail & Expressconference & exhibition in Dubai lastmonth, Al Daboos said Emirates Postis also creating a new regional groundtransport network, developing financialservices and expanding Empost's offerings.He added that Emirates Post … [Read more...] about Emirates Post buys freighters
Airport rent affects Canada’s airports
The Canadian Airports Council(CAC) has expressed disappointmentthat the Canadian government's secondfederal budget has failed to address theissue of airport rent. "The rent omission represents aforgotten election campaign questionnairepledge from the Conservativesto lower the fee and tax burden onCanada's aviation sector," said CACpresident and CEO Jim Facette. "For a budget that implements majorelements of 'Advantage Canada',airport rent continues to be a disadvantagefor … [Read more...] about Airport rent affects Canada’s airports