DHL Express (Malaysia) aims toincrease its market share by anotherone to two per cent by end of this year,the Business Times reported. The company currently leads thelocal express delivery market withmore than 40 per cent market share.Its plans for the year include doublingthe number of DHL service points tosix by end-2007. With these service points, customerscan easily pick up or drop off packages.The service centre has a built-up costof RM21 million and features, amongothers, a fully … [Read more...] about MALAYSIA: DHL Express aims to increase market share
Air & Cargo Services
Israel Aerospace Industries¡¯ Bedek Aviation Group has delivered thefirst of four Boeing 747-400 Special Freighter combi to full freighterconversions to Asiana Airlines. The second B747-400 Combi is alreadyundergoing the same conversion at IAI¡¯s facilities and will be deliveredto Asiana in the second quarter of 2007. Two additional aircraft will beconverted and delivery of those aircraft is expected in early 2009. … [Read more...] about Gateways
Biggest beneficiaries of EU-US Open Skies are the US integrators
On the surface, the proposed Open Skies deal between the EuropeanUnion and the United States, which was approved unanimously by Europe'stransport ministers last month, looks like a tremendous agreement withimmediate benefits for almost all parties concerned. The pact, agreed after four years of talks, will allow any EU airline tofly from any city in the 27-nation bloc to any city in the United States andvice versa. The treaty will also facilitate EU airline consolidation by allowing … [Read more...] about Biggest beneficiaries of EU-US Open Skies are the US integrators
Virgin’s Asian agenda
Though it has had routes to Asiasince its earliest days, Virgin Atlantic,the UK's second long-haul carrier, isnot inappropriately named. Even todaythe airline moves two thirds of itscargo tonnage on transatlantic routes– 62.6 percent of it in the ten monthsto January, to be precise. However, that share has decreasedsince 9/11, before which over 70 percentof tonnage was trans-Altantic, anda major beneficiary has been Asia. 29.4percent of tonnage came from Asianroutes in the ten months to … [Read more...] about Virgin’s Asian agenda
Shippers' support 3rd terminal at HKIA
The Hong Kong Shippers'Council has come outin support of a proposalto build a third air cargoterminal at the Hong KongInternational Airport as itwill introduce increasedcompetition for more efficientcargo handling andbetter costing. In his message in theShippers' Today, HKSCchairman Willy Lin saidthe new terminal operator,which will be determinedthrough bidding, shouldguarantee that they will passon lower costs to shippers sothere will be less defectionto neighbouring airports. "Cost … [Read more...] about Shippers' support 3rd terminal at HKIA
Challenging' outsourcing trend to continue
"In addition, with the truck bans andnumber coding, there is more demandfor transportation providers," saysVincente Dinglasan, president of IDSPhilippines. Friends call him "Jess." Heexpects outsourcing would continue tobe the trend for most companies.Through information technology(IT), data are readily availableplus improvements in the country'sinfrastructure would resultin operations being increasinglycentralised compared to 15 yearsago when it was a competitive advantageto have as many … [Read more...] about Challenging' outsourcing trend to continue