For the first time, the EuropeanCommission (EC) has withdrawn twocarriers from the list of banned airlines,after the carriers took decisive actionto remedy their failings. African cargo carrier DAS Air Cargo,Dairo Air Services (Uganda / Kenya)and Thailand's Phuket Air have beenremoved from the list of banned airlines,after proving to the Commissionthat they have now rectified the serioussafety deficiencies that originally led totheir banning from Europe. According to Jacques Barrot, … [Read more...] about EUROPE: EC updates airline 'blacklist'
Air & Cargo Services
AUSTRALIA: AaE is Cargo 2000's first member in Australia
Australian air Express International(AaE) has become the first companybased in Australia to become an IndustryAssociate member of Cargo 2000. AaE is a leading provider of cargohandling services to international airlinesacross the continent of Australiaand provides services to over 30 internationalairlines at locations includingSydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perthand Adelaide. Cargo 2000 has established a set ofrequirements for GHAs that includesa quality agreement they sign with theCargo … [Read more...] about AUSTRALIA: AaE is Cargo 2000's first member in Australia
JAPAN: Boeing to manage NCA's spare-parts supply
Boeing said it will manage a significantportion of Nippon CargoAirlines' spare-parts inventory under a programme designed to improve sparepartsavailability for the freight carrierwhile reducing operating costs. Under the Integrated MaterialsManagement (IMM) programme,Boeing and other suppliers will ownaircraft parts that Nippon Cargo wouldnormally need to hold in inventory.Boeing will manage the inventory andlogistics for many of Nippon Cargo'sexpendable aircraft parts. "Supply-chain … [Read more...] about JAPAN: Boeing to manage NCA's spare-parts supply
Virgin's Asian agenda
Though it has had routes to Asiasince its earliest days, Virgin Atlantic,the UK's second long-haul carrier, isnot inappropriately named. Even todaythe airline moves two thirds of itscargo tonnage on transatlantic routes– 62.6 percent of it in the ten monthsto January, to be precise. However, that share has decreasedsince 9/11, before which over 70 percentof tonnage was trans-Altantic, anda major beneficiary has been Asia. 29.4percent of tonnage came from Asianroutes in the ten months to … [Read more...] about Virgin's Asian agenda
Aviapartner wins ramp license at Nice Airport
Brussels-based European groundhandler, Aviapartner, said it has obtainedan extension of its handlinglicence at Nice Côte d'Azur Airport,for a period of seven years (starting 1January 2007), within the frameworkof a tender process launched in June2006. Aviapartner has been granted afull licence for baggage handling andramp handling including marshalling,parking support (blocks), groundto air communication, loading andunloading of aircraft, crew transport,passenger transport, baggage … [Read more...] about Aviapartner wins ramp license at Nice Airport
Vector Aviation thrives in booming Vietnam
Vietnam will be one of Asia's boomingair freight markets in the near future,predicts Do Xuan Quang, managingdirector of Ho Chi Minh City-basedGSA Vector Aviation. "Every year, Vietnam is seeing 22 percentgrowth in exports and air freightexports are growing by 15 percent ayear," he says. "Last yearVietnam saw total exportsof $40bn, which comparesto $115bn from India. So there are very favourableconditions for cargoairlines who come to Vietnam."Carriers that arealready … [Read more...] about Vector Aviation thrives in booming Vietnam