Swissport said it has been certified asa fully compliant Cargo 2000 company,and that its internal management processesand quality-driven improvementprogrammes have been accepted by theCargo 2000 Board. Cargo 2000 brings together majorairlines, freight forwarders and theirsuppliers with the goal of implementingstandardised quality managementsystems. Based on detailed customer researchand with the assistance of leading ITcompanies, the Cargo 2000 group hasre-engineered the transportation … [Read more...] about Swissport Cargo Services gets quality certification
Air & Cargo Services
Lower rates will drive GSA growth in Asia, says ECS
Asia remains a difficult market for aglobal GSA like European Cargo Services(ECS), but that should change asair freight rates fall, predicts its presidentand CEO, Guy Tordjman. "Competition is increasing in Asia,and rates will not stay so high, so airlineswill have to compensate by reducingcosts," he says. "They will then seethe need to turn to GSAs much more than they have in the past." To be ready for that day, ECS continuesto try and develop its networkin the region, using Singapore as … [Read more...] about Lower rates will drive GSA growth in Asia, says ECS
Kales reports strong demand for Great Wall
Demand for Great Wall Airlines'B747 freighter service out of Amsterdamhas bounced back rapidly followingits resumption of services on 25January, according to its GSA in theNetherlands, France, Italy and Switzerland,Kales Group. Owner Peter Kales says the flightswere already 50 percent full eastboundby the end of the second week operations,and he predicts that the flightswill be full during March. "To get such load factors at reasonableyields at one of the quietest timesof the year for … [Read more...] about Kales reports strong demand for Great Wall
AeroTechnology to enter Moscow market
AeroTechnology, an exclusive agentof Finnair Cargo in the Russian Federation,is to enter the Moscow airfreightservice market. It is expected that thenew office will enable the companyto increase the cargo traffic volumethreefold. AeroTechnology intends to furtherdevelop its geography in Russia byopening new branches in Yekaterinburgand Novosibirsk. … [Read more...] about AeroTechnology to enter Moscow market
ECS extends cargo GSA network to Dubai
European Cargo Services (ECS) hasextended its network to the UnitedArab Emirates with the opening of itsown office in Dubai, located in theDubai Airport Free Zone adjacentto the airline and freight forwardingcommunity. Globe Air Cargo FZE is the firstfully-owned ECS office in the MiddleEast region. In Dubai, ECS will providecargo sales services for Qantas Airways,SN Brussels, Ukraine InternationalAirlines and Africa West. Shiranka Leo, who formerly spent24 years working for Singapore … [Read more...] about ECS extends cargo GSA network to Dubai
Aviapartner Cargo inks deal with AirPart
Aviapartner Cargo has signed a formalco-operation agreement with Air-Part, a subsidiary company of NurembergAirport, which calls for reciprocalcargo handling services for each other'scustomers. The deal also includes thedevelopment of a close co-operation incommercial and operational matters. Last year, Aviapartner Cargo announcedsimilar co-operation agreementswith other handlers in Hamburg, Dortmund, D¨¹sseldorf, Dresden, Leipzig,and Stuttgart, bringing the totalnumber of airports where … [Read more...] about Aviapartner Cargo inks deal with AirPart